
Drawer Trigger


Living Well helps community members overcome the burdens of physical insecurities so that they are better able to focus on their pursuit of knowledge, cultivation of character, and depth of faith. 

This student-led initiative strives to provide community members with adequate support and supplies in areas that may hinder their academic success or well-being. Living Well connects guests to critical on and off-campus resources and provides educational opportunities that empower us to embrace wellness and advocate for the well-being of our community.

Community Resource Center Intake Form

Our Services

Ways to Get Involved

Volunteer opportunity 
In-Kind Donations 
Financial Donation 
Common volunteer duties include unpacking large food boxes, stocking and organizing the pantry shelves, light cleaning, and ensuring guests have a positive experience. 
In-kind donations can take form in many ways -- food, personal hygiene products, professional clothing, etc. Connect with us about how to make an in-kind donations.
The Amazon Living Well Wishlist has our most-needed and most-requested items. We will work with you to coordinate the details of your donation.
Make a tax-deductible financial donation.


Inquire Amazon Donate to living Well


Additional Resources

Living Well in the News

Our Goal

To to ensure a worry-free school year by supporting the members of our Vanguard campus community. Living Well seeks to together to eliminate physical insecurities by meeting those needs with available resources.

but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a fount of water springing up to eternal life”

- John 4:14

I needed clothes and you clothed me."

- Matthew 25:36

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