Grants and Scholarships
Types of Grants and Scholarships
- Academic Scholarships
- Federal Grants
- State Grants
- Institutional Grants and Scholarships
- Graduate Students
- Professional Education Students
- More Scholarship Resources
Academic Scholarships
Vanguard University offers generous academic scholarships to recognize and reward the scholastic achievements of our most accomplished entering students. All applicants for admission are automatically considered and there are no separate applications. Students are selected after a holistic review of their academic record and additional factors may also be considered for particular scholarships, as indicated below.
Freshman Academic Scholarships
Incoming Freshman Academic Scholarship recipients are selected by Undergraduate Admissions using the student's application for admission. Awards range from $10,000 to $26,000 annually and are awarded based on a comprehensive review of the student's academic record using their Cal Grant GPA (grades 10-11, unweighted core GPA), weighted cumulative class rank or GPA, and standardized test scores (SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Math, or ACT Composite) if available.
All scholarships require a student to be enrolled full-time (12 or more units). Academic Scholarships are renewable for up to four years (8 semesters) for incoming freshmen, provided the student meets the GPA requirements for renewal. If the renewal GPA is not achieved, student’s academic scholarship may be reduced to the corresponding scholarship level. See our Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy for Academic Scholarships here for renewable GPA criteria. Academic scholarships are not eligible to be increased based on future academic performance.
Incoming Freshmen Scholarship Levels:
- Presidential Centennial
- Presidential
- Provost
- Dean
- Director
- Founders
- Gold Pride
Transfer Academic Scholarships
Incoming Transfer Academic Scholarship recipients are selected by Undergraduate Admissions using the student's application for admission. Awards range from $10,000 to $17,000 annually and are awarded based on a comprehensive review of the student's academic record based on a calculated transfer core GPA excluding remedial coursework and no more than eight units of physical activity coursework.
All scholarships require a student to be enrolled full-time (12 or more units). Academic Scholarships are renewable for up to three years (6 semesters) for incoming transfers, provided the student meets the GPA requirements for renewal. If the renewal GPA is not achieved, student’s academic scholarship may be reduced to the corresponding scholarship level. See our Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy for Academic Scholarships here for renewable GPA criteria.
Incoming Transfer Scholarship Levels:
- Lion I
- Lion II
- Lion III
- Lion IV
*Transfer students who have not achieved sophomore standing (30 or more units) are eligible for consideration for Freshman Academic Scholarships and will be awarded whichever academic scholarship (Freshman or Transfer) is greater.
Federal Grants
Pell Grant
Pell Grant award amounts are dependent on your Student Aid Index (SAI). For 2024-25, the award amounts range from $740-$7,395. Students may qualify for a Pell grant by completing the FAFSA annually. Federal Pell Grants are restricted to students pursuing their first undergraduate degree. You may not receive Federal Pell Grant payments concurrently from more than one institution, even if enrolled part-time at each institution.
Federal regulations restrict lifetime eligibility for the Federal Pell Grant to 12 semesters (or 600% Lifetime Eligibility Used or LEU) from the prior maximum of 18 semesters. When you are awarded a Pell Grant, you are given an annual Pell Grant award. If you attend full-time for a semester, you use 50% of your annual Pell Grant award.
For example:
Type of enrollment | % of Pell LEU Used |
Full-time enrollment (12+ units) per semester | 50% per semester |
Three-quarters enrollment (9-11 units) per semester | 37.5% per semester |
Half-time enrollment per semester | 25% per semester |
Each semester you receive a Pell Grant adds to your total LEU. When your total reaches 600%, you’re no longer eligible for the grant. This total includes all Pell Grant awards received at all institutions attended – and it is retroactive. You may receive Pell Grant funds from only one school at a time. You cannot appeal this federal regulation or request an extension.
To read more about the LEU and how it’s calculated, log into Federal Student Aid and review My Aid.
A student who believes there may be an inaccuracy in the underlying Pell Grant data that is part of the student’s Pell Grant LEU calculation may dispute that information by contacting his or her current school. The student must have filed a FAFSA for the current award year so as to ensure that the current school can view the student’s Pell history.
In order to file a dispute, a student must provide all documentation to the current school in support of the student’s assertion that there is an inaccuracy in the Pell Grant data. This documentation must include a signed and dated statement from the student that provides:
- The name of the student’s current school to whom the student reported the alleged inaccurate data;
- The award year and disputed amount;
- The name of the school that reported the alleged inaccurate information; and
- The reason the student believes the Pell Grant data are inaccurate.
The current school will provide the student with a response once the case has been investigated.
Pell Recalculation Policy
The Pell Recalculation Policy only applies to Undergraduate students eligible to receive the Federal Pell Grant.
Undergraduate students eligible for the Federal Pell Grant who make enrollment changes during the semester may be subject to Pell Recalculation which requires an adjustment to the Federal Pell Grant based on the change in the student's enrollment.
Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG) is a federal, need-based grant awarded to traditional undergraduate students who have not yet earned a bachelor’s degree. Priority is given to students who demonstrate exceptional financial need and who have been awarded a Federal Pell Grant.
Full-time enrollment (12-18 units) is required to receive this award. SEOG funds are limited, and funds may not be available for applicants who do not meet Vanguard’s priority funding deadlines. The amount that SEOG eligible students may receive will be between $500 and $1,000 based on financial need and the available funding at Vanguard. Annual renewal of SEOG is not automatic. Students must apply for federal financial aid each year and meet all federal aid eligibility requirements.
The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program provides grants to students who intend to teach in a public or private elementary or secondary school that serves students from low-income families. To be considered for a Federal TEACH Grant, students must initiate the process of completing an Agreement to Serve (ATS) and TEACH Grant Counseling. Recipients of a TEACH Grant must agree to the following:
Serve as a full-time highly qualified teacher for four elementary or secondary school years at a school or educational service agency that serves low-income students;
Teach in a high-need field; and
Complete the required four years of teaching within eight years after you graduate from or otherwise cease to be enrolled at the institution of higher education where you received your TEACH Grants.
If you receive a TEACH Grant but do not complete the required four years of teaching service within eight years after you complete (or otherwise cease to be enrolled in) the program for which you received the grant, all TEACH Grant funds you received will be converted to a Direct Unsubsidized Loan that you must repay with interest. The Department’s TEACH Grant Servicer oversees your grant account until you meet your service obligation.
Impact of Federal Sequestration
Award amounts for any TEACH Grant that are first disbursed after October 1, 2020, and before October 1, 2024, must be reduced by 5.70% from the maximum award amount for which a recipient would otherwise have been eligible. For example, the maximum award of $4,000 must be reduced by $228 resulting in a maximum award amount of $3,772 for 2024/25.
Below is the maximum TEACH Grant amounts based on enrollment:
Type of Enrollment |
TEACH Grant Amount (before sequestration) |
Full-time enrollment |
$4,000 |
Three-quarters enrollment |
$3,000 |
Half-time enrollment |
$2,000 |
Less than half-time enrollment |
$1,000 |
TEACH Grant Awarding Policy
Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), although you do not have to demonstrate financial need.
Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen.
Complete the U.S. Department of Education’s Federal TEACH Grant Initial and Subsequent Counseling session electronically.
Complete the U.S. Department of Education Federal Agreement to Serve (ATS) electronically.
- Submit a TEACH Grant Application to the Financial Aid Office.
- Have and maintain a minimum 3.25 cumulative GPA.
Be enrolled in an eligible degree program at Vanguard University.
Students who are graduating, cease to receive a TEACH Grant in a following academic year, or are enrolled less than half time must complete TEACH Grant Exit Counseling.
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Grant
BIA grants are tribal awards provided to students who are at least one-quarter American Indian, Eskimo or Aleut. You can review additional information at Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Each Tribal Agency establishes their own award parameters; contact your tribal agency for additional information.
State Grants
Understanding My Cal Grant Fact Sheet
Cal Grant A
The Cal Grant A is an award offered to middle and low-income students who meet all Cal Grant requirements, demonstrate financial need, and meet the income and asset ceilings established by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC).
In order to qualify for a Cal Grant A, you must:
- File the FAFSA by March 2
- Have a high school GPA of 3.0
- Have graduated from a California High School and be a California state resident at the time of graduation
The 2024-2025 award amount is $9,358 for full-time enrollment (12+ units) and will be pro-rated if you enroll less than full-time; award amounts are determined through the state budget process and are subject to change. You may receive a Cal Grant award for up to four years (or eight semesters). Your Cal Grant will be renewed automatically if you file the FAFSA by March 2 each year and continue to meet eligibility requirements, including maintaining satisfactory academic progress and demonstrating financial need.
Cal Grant B and Cal Grant Access Awards
The Cal Grant B is an award offered to disadvantaged or low-income students who meet all Cal Grant requirements, demonstrate financial need, and meet the income and asset ceilings established by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC).
In order to qualify for the Cal Grant B, you must:
- File the FAFSA by March 2
- Have at least a 2.0 High School GPA
- Have graduated from a California High School and be a California state resident at the time of graduation
If you qualify for the Cal Grant B during your freshman year, you will receive a Cal Grant B Access Award; the 2024-2025 award amount is $1,648. The Access Award is designated to cover living expenses, books, supplies, and transportation. When the Cal Grant B is renewed after your freshman year, you will also receive a Cal Grant B award ($9,358 for 2024-2025) to be applied to the cost of tuition and fees. Award amounts are determined through the state budget process and are subject to change. Award amounts will be pro-rated if you enroll less than full-time (12+ units).
You may receive a Cal Grant award for up to four years (or eight semesters). Your Cal Grant will be renewed automatically if you file the FAFSA by March 2 each year and continue to meet eligibility requirements, including maintaining satisfactory academic progress and demonstrating financial need.
Cal Grant B Access Refund Request
Vanguard will automatically disburse your Cal Grant B Access Award to your student account at the start of each semester. Your Cal Grant B Access award will be applied towards the outstanding balance on your student account.
You have the right to request that your Cal Grant B Access Award be refunded to you instead of being applied to the balance on your student account. To request a refund for the amount of your Cal Grant B Access award, contact the Office of Accounting Operations.
Please note that you will be responsible for any unpaid bills in your student account that your Cal Grant B Access award would otherwise have reduced or cleared. In addition, you cannot receive a refund for this amount until after your Cal Grant B Access award has been disbursed to your student account and no earlier than the first day of the semester.
Cal Grant for Transfer Students
Students who transfer to Vanguard University directly from a California Community College may also qualify to receive a Cal Grant A or B award. Click here for more information.
Cal Grant Teacher Credential Program
Undergraduate Cal Grant A and B recipients who are accepted and enrolled in a professional teacher preparation program at Vanguard University within 15 months of the end of the term for which they last received a Cal Grant payment may be eligible to renew their Cal Grant award for an additional year. The additional year of payment is provided to students who are seeking an initial teaching credential and cannot be used for other graduate level courses of study. Eligible students are required to file both a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the academic year for which they wish to receive Cal Grant TCP, and a Request for Cal Grant TCP Benefits (G-44).
Chafee Grant
Grants offered to California foster youth, who have aged out of foster care, to help pay for college or career and technical training. The maximum award amount is $5,000 per school year. It is a federal and state funded grant subject to annual availability of funds.
- Current or former foster youth under court dependency, anytime between their 16th & 18th birthday
- Foster youth are not required to have a Social Security Number (SSN), not be in loan default or grant over-award status, or meet Ability to Benefit (ATB) requirements.
- Out-of-state foster youth who attend college in CA are also eligible.
- California foster youth can use Chafee funds at colleges outside of CA.
- Must demonstrate financial need: determined by school, award based on unmet need. Funds available up to COA but cannot exceed $5000.
- Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
- Maintain at least half-time enrollment
- Program length of at least one academic year
- Eligible college, university, or vocational school must participate in Title IV – Federal Pell Grant Program
- Paid Chafee students can be renewed through their 23rd birthday
- New applicants as of July 1 each year must be at least 16, but not over 22.
Foster Youth without an SSN
- Student completes the paper Chafee application (CSAC will assign CSAC ID)
- School must collect paper FAFSA and perform hand calculation of EFC. School will use EFC to calculate student’s unmet need.
- Student completes a paper Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) – cannot be processed by federal processor without SSN. Copy is submitted to school & Commission.
Chafee Application | WebGrants Student Access
Other State Grants for Non-California Residents
If you are not a California resident, your state of residence may offer grants or scholarships. Almost every state education agency has at least one grant or scholarship available to residents, and many have a long list of student aid programs. Eligibility is usually restricted to state residents attending a college in-state, but that is not always the case. There are annual deadlines for most programs (if you miss a deadline, be sure to try again next year). Click on this link for a list of state agencies that will have more information about the grant or scholarship opportunities available in your home state.
Institutional Grants and Scholarships
Athletic Scholarship
Available to students involved in the Intercollegiate Athletic Program at Vanguard University. Awards will vary and are determined by the Athletic Department. Awards are for one year at a time and are renewable upon the recommendation of the athletic coach and Athletic Department. Recipients of Athletic Scholarships are not eligible to receive Vanguard Need Grants. Athletic Scholarships may only be applied to direct costs. These include tuition and on-campus room and board. These do not include: health insurance, books, transportation, off-campus or with-parent living expenses. Awards will be coordinated with other financial aid.
Music Scholarship
Available to students involved in the Music program as a major or non-major music participants. Awards will vary and are determined by the Music Department. Awards are for one year at a time and are renewable upon the recommendation of the Music Department. Award will be coordinated with other financial aid.
Theatre Scholarship
Available to students who are Theatre majors. Awards will vary and are determined by the Theatre Department. Awards are for one year at a time and are renewable upon the recommendation of the Theatre Department. Award will be coordinated with other financial aid.
Vanguard Need Grant
This grant is awarded to traditional undergraduate students who have significant demonstrated need as determined by the FAFSA. FAFSA must be submitted annually by the March 2 priority deadline to be considered. Award will be coordinated with other financial aid.
Vanguard Grant
This grant is awarded to traditional undergraduate students who have demonstrated need as determined by the FAFSA. FAFSA must be submitted annually by the March 2 priority deadline to be considered. Award will be coordinated with other financial aid.
Ministry Grant
Traditional Undergraduate Ministry Grants of $1,000-$2,000 annually are available to those involved in full-time Christian service as ordained or licensed ministers and missionaries, or their dependents.
Admissions and Financial Aid confirm eligibility at point of admission. Supporting documentation must be submitted each year by the Financial Registration deadline or the grant will be removed. Award will be coordinated with other financial aid.
Assemblies of God Emerging Leader
This competitive, annual award of $1,500 may be available to full-time traditional undergraduate students who demonstrate superior involvement and leadership in their Assemblies of God (AG) church, community, and/or high school. Preference is given to students who receive a superior rating at the AG National Fine Arts Festival or National Bible Quiz Finals. A copy of the award certificate should be submitted to Undergraduate Admissions. To be eligible, freshman applicants must apply by an early action admission application deadline and have a Cal Grant (grades 10-11, un-weighted core) GPA of 3.0. The scholarship may be renewed for up to three years based on maintaining the 3.0 renewal GPA. Award will be coordinated with other financial aid.
Assemblies of God Regional 50% Tuition Guarantee
Traditional undergraduate students who are dependents of credentialed, licensed or ordained Assemblies of God (AG) ministers will be considered for an Assemblies of God Regional 50% Tuition Guarantee. The regional districts eligible for this guarantee are as follows: Southern California, Northern California - Nevada, Southern Pacific District and Central Pacific Ministry Network.
If the total sum of gift aid offered by Vanguard University (all VU grants and scholarships) is less than 50% of the cost of tuition, the Assemblies of God Regional 50% Tuition Guarantee will be awarded up to 50% of the tuition cost. This award ensures that the total amount of gift aid awarded by Vanguard University will equal at least 50% of tuition costs each semester. Eligible applicants will be verified by the Financial Aid Office after submitting a copy of their credential, license or ordination.
Honors Program Scholarship
Students selected to participate in the Honors Program will receive a $2,000 Honors Program Scholarship in addition to their academic scholarship. Scholarship is renewable with continued participation in the Honors Program and achieving minimum term (3.4) and cumulative (3.7) GPA requirements.
National Merit Finalist
Awards up to 100% of tuition are available to full-time undergraduate students selected as National Merit Finalists and entering VUSC as first-time freshmen. Awards are renewable for up to four years based on having and maintaining a 3.0 cumulative GPA.
Graduate Students
Academic Scholarships
Incoming graduate students may be eligible for an academic scholarship.
Eligible programs: Psychology (Clinical or Organizational), Education (master's only), Biotechnology, Leadership Studies and Theology.
Awarding criteria:
- Gold Award (15% discount): 3.75-4.00
- Silver Award (10% discount): 3.50-3.74
Renewal criteria: Enrolled at least half-time (5 units per semester) and 3.0 cumulative graduate GPA.
Christian Educator’s Grant: Students teaching full-time in a Christian school may receive a $75 per unit tuition grant if enrolled half-time. For graduate students this is a minimum of 5 units per semester, and credential students this is a minimum of 6 units per semester. To apply, students must teach in the same subject area as the teaching credential or degree that will be obtained. Cannot be combined with other institutional grants, scholarships or discounts. If you have any questions, please contact Graduate Education.
CSET Grant: Credential students who successfully pass all CSET Subtests prior to May (fall start) and prior to November (spring start) will receive a $50 per unit tuition grant. Cannot be combined with other institutional grants, scholarships or discounts. Students must be enrolled at least half-time (6 units per semester) to be eligible.
CSET Waiver Grant: Credential students who completed a bachelor’s program at Vanguard that included a subject matter waiver and are exempt from taking the CSET will receive a $50 per unit tuition grant. Cannot be combined with other institutional grants, scholarships or discounts. Students must be enrolled at least half-time (6 units per semester) to be eligible.
Graduate Religion Ministry Grant: An award of $75 per unit is available to students enrolled at least half-time (5 units per semester) who are involved in full-time Christian service as ordained or licensed ministers and missionaries. Admissions and Financial Aid confirm eligibility at point of admission. Supporting documentation must be submitted each year by the Financial Registration deadline or the grant will be removed. Cannot be combined with other institutional grants, scholarships or discounts.
The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program provides grants to students who intend to teach in a public or private elementary or secondary school that serves students from low-income families. To be considered for a Federal TEACH Grant, students must initiate the process of completing an Agreement to Serve (ATS) and TEACH Grant Counseling. Recipients of a TEACH Grant must agree to the following:
If you receive a TEACH Grant but do not complete the required four years of teaching service within eight years after you complete (or otherwise cease to be enrolled in) the program for which you received the grant, all TEACH Grant funds you received will be converted to a Direct Unsubsidized Loan that you must repay with interest. The Department’s TEACH Grant Servicer oversees your grant account until you meet your service obligation. TEACH Grant Awarding Policy
Students who are graduating, cease to receive a TEACH Grant in a following academic year, or are enrolled less than half-time must complete TEACH Grant Exit Counseling. Impact of Federal SequestrationAward amounts for any TEACH Grant that are first disbursed after October 1, 2020, and before October 1, 2024, must be reduced by 5.70% from the maximum award amount for which a recipient would otherwise have been eligible. For example, the maximum award of $4,000 must be reduced by $228 resulting in a maximum award amount of $3,772 for 2024/25. Below is the maximum TEACH Grant amounts based on enrollment:
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) GrantBIA grants are tribal awards provided to students who are at least one-quarter American Indian, Eskimo or Aleut. You can review additional information at Bureau of Indian Affairs. Each Tribal Agency establishes their own award parameters; contact your tribal agency for additional information. |
Professional Education Students
Federal Grants
Federal Pell Grant
Pell Grant award amounts are dependent on your Student Aid Index (SAI). For 2024-25, the award amounts range from $740-$7,395. Students may qualify for a Pell grant by completing the FAFSA annually. Federal Pell Grants are restricted to students pursuing their first undergraduate degree. You may not receive Federal Pell Grant payments concurrently from more than one institution, even if enrolled part-time at each institution..
Federal regulations restrict lifetime eligibility for the Federal Pell Grant to 12 semesters (or 600% Lifetime Eligibility Used or LEU) from the prior maximum of 18 semesters. When you are awarded a Pell Grant, you are given an annual Pell Grant award. If you attend full-time for a semester, you use 50% of your annual Pell Grant award.
For example:
Type of enrollment | % of Pell LEU Used |
Full-time enrollment (12+ units) per semester | 50% per semester |
Three-quarters enrollment (9-11 units) per semester | 37.5% per semester |
Half-time enrollment per semester | 25% per semester |
Each semester you receive a Pell Grant adds to your total LEU. When your total reaches 600%, you’re no longer eligible for the grant. This total includes all Pell Grant awards received at all institutions attended – and it is retroactive. You may receive Pell Grant funds from only one school at a time. You cannot appeal this federal regulation or request an extension.
To read more about the LEU and how it’s calculated, including examples, visit the Federal Student Aid webpage.
Visit Federal Student Aid to determine the percentage of Pell grant you have received. Your LEU will be found on the Financial Aid Review page.
A student who believes there may be an inaccuracy in the underlying Pell Grant data that is part of the student’s Pell Grant LEU calculation may dispute that information by contacting his or her current school. The student must have filed a FAFSA for the current award year so as to ensure that the current school can view the student’s Pell history.
In order to file a dispute, a student must provide all documentation to the current school in support of the student’s assertion that there is an inaccuracy in the Pell Grant data. This documentation must include a signed and dated statement from the student that provides:
- The name of the student’s current school to whom the student reported the alleged inaccurate data;
- The name of the school that reported the alleged inaccurate information;
- The award year and disputed amount; and
- The reason the student believes the Pell Grant data are inaccurate.
The current school will provide the student with a response once the case has been investigated.
Pell Recalculation Policy
The Pell Recalculation Policy only applies to undergraduate students eligible to receive the Federal Pell Grant.
Undergraduate students eligible for the Federal Pell Grant who make enrollment changes during the semester may be subject to Pell Recalculation which requires an adjustment to the Federal Pell Grant based on the change in the student's enrollment.
The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program provides grants to students who intend to teach in a public or private elementary or secondary school that serves students from low-income families. To be considered for a Federal TEACH Grant, students must initiate the process of completing an Agreement to Serve (ATS) and TEACH Grant Counseling. Recipients of a TEACH Grant must agree to the following:
Serve as a full-time highly qualified teacher for four elementary or secondary school years at a school or educational service agency that serves low-income students;
Teach in a high-need field; and
Complete the required four years of teaching within eight years after you graduate from or otherwise cease to be enrolled at the institution of higher education where you received your TEACH Grants.
If you receive a TEACH Grant but do not complete the required four years of teaching service within eight years after you complete (or otherwise cease to be enrolled in) the program for which you received the grant, all TEACH Grant funds you received will be converted to a Direct Unsubsidized Loan that you must repay with interest. The Department’s TEACH Grant Servicer oversees your grant account until you meet your service obligation.
Impact of Federal Sequestration on the TEACH Grant:
Award amounts for any TEACH Grant that are first disbursed after October 1, 2020, and before October 1, 2024, must be reduced by 5.70% from the maximum award amount for which a recipient would otherwise have been eligible. For example, the maximum award of $4,000 must be reduced by $228 resulting in a maximum award amount of $3,772 for 2024/25.
Below is the maximum TEACH Grant amounts based on enrollment:
Type of Enrollment |
TEACH Grant Amount (before sequestration) |
Full-time enrollment |
$4,000 |
Three-quarters enrollment |
$3,000 |
Half-time enrollment |
$2,000 |
Less than half-time enrollment |
$1,000 |
VU TEACH Grant Awarding Policy
Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), although you do not have to demonstrate financial need.
Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen.
Complete the U.S. Department of Education’s Federal TEACH Grant Initial and Subsequent Counseling session electronically.
Complete the U.S. Department of Education Federal Agreement to Serve (ATS) electronically.
- Submit a TEACH Grant Application to the Financial Aid Office.
- Have and maintain a minimum 3.25 GPA.
Be enrolled in an eligible degree program at Vanguard University.
Students who are graduating, cease to receive a TEACH Grant in a following academic year, or are enrolled less than half time must complete TEACH Grant Exit Counseling.
Cal Grant A
The Cal Grant A is an award offered to middle and low-income students who meet all Cal Grant requirements, demonstrate financial need, and meet the income and asset ceilings established by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC).
In order to qualify for a Cal Grant A, you must:
- File the FAFSA by March 2
- Have graduated from a California High School and be a California state resident at the time of graduation
- Have a high school GPA of 3.0
The 2024-2025 award amount is $9,358 for full-time enrollment (12+ units) and will be pro-rated if you enroll less than full-time; award amounts are determined through the state budget process and are subject to change. You may receive a Cal Grant award for up to four years (or eight semesters). Your Cal Grant will be renewed automatically if you file the FAFSA by March 2 each year and continue to meet eligibility requirements, including maintaining satisfactory academic progress and demonstrating financial need.
Cal Grant B and Cal Grant Access Awards
The Cal Grant B is an award offered to disadvantaged or low-income students who meet all Cal Grant requirements, demonstrate financial need, and meet the income and asset ceilings established by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC).
In order to qualify for the Cal Grant B, you must:
- File the FAFSA by March 2
- Have graduated from a California High School and be a California state resident at the time of graduation
- Have at least a 2.0 High School GPA
If you qualify for the Cal Grant B during your freshman year, you will receive a Cal Grant B Access Award; the 2024-2025 award amount is $1,648. The Access Award is designated to cover living expenses, books, supplies, and transportation. When the Cal Grant B is renewed after your freshman year, you will also receive a Cal Grant B award ($9,358 for 2024-2025) to be applied to the cost of tuition and fees. Award amounts are determined through the state budget process and are subject to change. Award amounts will be pro-rated if you enroll less than full-time (12+ units).
You may receive a Cal Grant award for up to four years (or eight semesters). Your Cal Grant will be renewed automatically if you file the FAFSA by March 2 each year and continue to meet eligibility requirements, including maintaining satisfactory academic progress and demonstrating financial need.
Cal Grant B Access Refund Request
Vanguard will automatically disburse your Cal Grant B Access Award to your student account at the start of each semester. Your Cal Grant B Access award will be applied towards the outstanding balance on your student account.
You have the right to request that your Cal Grant B Access Award be refunded to you instead of being applied to the balance on your student account. To request a refund for the amount of your Cal Grant B Access award, contact the Office of Accounting Operations.
Please note that you will be responsible for any unpaid bills in your student account that your Cal Grant B Access award would otherwise have reduced or cleared. In addition, you cannot receive a refund for this amount until after your Cal Grant B Access award has been disbursed to your student account and no earlier than the first day of the semester.
Cal Grant for Transfer Students
Students who transfer to Vanguard University directly from a California Community College may also qualify to receive a Cal Grant A or B award. Click here for more information.
Grants offered to California foster youth, who have aged out of foster care, to help pay for college or career and technical training. The maximum award amount is $5,000 per school year. It is a federal and state funded grant subject to annual availability of funds.
- Current or former foster youth under court dependency, anytime between their 16th & 18th birthday
- New applicants as of July 1 each year must be at least 16, but not over 22.
- Paid Chafee students can be renewed through their 23rd birthday.
- Eligible college, university, or vocational school must participate in Title IV – Federal Pell Grant Program
- Program length of at least one academic year
- Maintain at least half-time enrollment
- Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
- Must demonstrate financial need: determined by school, award based on unmet need. Funds available up to COA, but cannot exceed $5000.
- California foster youth can use Chafee funds at colleges outside of CA.
- Out-of-state foster youth who attend college in CA are also eligible.
- Foster youth are not required to have a Social Security Number (SSN), not be in loan default or grant over-award status, or meet Ability to Benefit (ATB) requirements.
Foster Youth without an SSN
- Student completes the paper Chafee application (CSAC will assign CSAC ID)
- Student completes a paper Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) – cannot be processed by federal processor without SSN. Copy is submitted to school & Commission.
- School must collect paper FAFSA and perform hand calculation of EFC. School will use EFC to calculate student’s unmet need.
Chafee Application | WebGrants Student Access
More Scholarship Resources
Assemblies of God Church Grant Program
Available to students who are members of an Assemblies of God Church with a fund with Vanguard. Awards will vary and must be requested by the Church and approved by Vanguard University's Office of Fiscal Management before the student may be awarded. Recipients must maintain at least a 2.00 cumulative GPA to be eligible.
For churches who would like to award a scholarship, please visit the AG Church Scholarship Program page.
Outside (Private) Scholarships
Outside scholarships are a great resource to help you fund your education because they do not need to be repaid. We encourage students to start searching for outside scholarships as early as possible in their college application process, as many awarding committees award scholarships a year or more in advance. Check with your high school, congregation, your parent's employers, community organizations, and online for scholarship opportunities. Remember to be careful when applying for scholarships. If it costs you money to search or apply for a scholarship, it is probably not a legitimate opportunity. Most scholarships are for one year; therefore, students should continue to search for outside scholarships throughout their four years at Vanguard University. The Financial Aid Office posts various scholarship opportunities throughout the year. Below, we have provided a variety of links to scholarship search engines and organizations with scholarship programs.
Outside scholarship checks and acceptance notifications should be sent to the Vanguard University Financial Aid Office to be coordinated with the student's financial aid award. Please address checks to Vanguard University (Attn: Financial Aid Office) and include the student’s name and/or student ID in the memo and a correspondence of how the check is to be distributed. Thank you for helping our students achieve their academic goals.
All inquiries regarding adding a scholarship source to our site should be sent to Please include a link to your website scholarship page in the email.
General Scholarship Search Databases
- Big Future, By The College Board: Scholarship search engine
- College Resource Network: A free scholarship search engine and college planning website.
- Discover: Scholarship Directory
- Fastweb: Provides high school students and their parents, college students and recent college graduates with tools — free of charge — to locate and apply for college scholarships, internships, loan and savings opportunities, and to successfully transition from high school to college and from college to career.
- Latinos in College: LATINOS IN COLLEGE is a not-for-profit organization incorporated in the State of New York. It's the only all-encompassing resource for assisting Latino students and their families in choosing schools, finding funding, and succeeding in college. The website aims to not only provide links to resources but also to answer any college related question in Spanish or English that students might have.
- MACH25: MACH25 Breaking the Tuition Barrier is a free web version of the Wintergreen/Orchard House Scholarship Finder database, provided for free on the web by CollegeNET.
- myScholly: User friendly scholarship search app featured on the Shark Tank TV show.
- Sallie Mae Scholarship Search: Find college scholarships that match your skills, activities, and interests based on the profile you create.
- Compares your background with a database of awards. Only those awards that fit your profile are identified as matches
- Scholarships4School
- Scholarship Experts: Partnered with UNIGO, in addition to scholarships, you will have access to colleges, internships, careers, and more — all with your same login.
- Student Scholarship Search: Scholarship Resource Network Express is a search engine and database of private scholarships designed to assist students identify sources for undergraduate through postgraduate study. This database also includes student loan forgiveness programs for those who have graduated from college and need alternatives for repayment.
- Student Scholarships: Largest collection of scholarships on the web
- School Soup: Quickly and easily browse through scholarships by a variety of categories (Major, Athletics, Religion, Disability, State, College, etc.).
- US Army: Scholarships offered by the US Army.
Organization Scholarship Programs
- Abbott and Fenner Scholarship
- CalKIDS: California low-income public school students $500 savings account.
- Edison Scholars Program
- Greenpal
- Hispanic Scholarship Fund
- Mattress Clarity Scholarship
- MyBioSource
- Sallie Mae Scholarship: Monthly drawing, deadline last day of month, no essay.
- Varsity Tutors Monthly College Scholarship
Study Abroad Scholarship Programs
- Study abroad scholarships
- International Scholarships: Financial aid, college scholarship and international scholarship resource for students wishing to study abroad.
- IEFA: International Financial Aid and College Scholarship Search: financial aid, college scholarship and grant information for US and international students wishing to study abroad.