
Drawer Trigger

HSI & Title V

Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) are designated by the U.S. Department of Education through criteria defined as an institution of higher education that has an enrollment of undergraduate full-time equivalent students that is at least 25% Hispanic.

Vanguard University has been meeting this requirement by serving over 1,486 full-time undergraduate students annually of which 54% are of an ethnic and racial background of which 44% identify as Hispanic.

In 2015, Vanguard University received the first individual Title V award (#P031S150199) from the Department of Education in the amount of $2.6M intended to strengthen and enhance the pipeline of Hispanic and low-income students from early engagement to alumni. In 2017, Vanguard received a Cooperative Title V Award (#P031S170149) in the amount of $3.8M intended for the development of comprehensive integrated pathways for Hispanic students to enter the teaching professions in collaboration with Orange Coast Community College (OCC). Through these five-year comprehensive plans (grants) Vanguard University and her institutional partners hope to broaden the scope of impact by expanding educational opportunities for Hispanic and low-income students and comprehensively targeting STEM education and teacher preparation programs.

In 2019, Vanguard University was awarded $98,000 from the National Endowment of the Humanities to develop and launch a Humanities Bridge Program. This project will develop and launch American Stories – a program to engage First-generation and Students of Color in the Humanities. American Stories: A Humanities Bridge Program would allow Vanguard to create a reading and writing intensive course with an attached Writing Lab that integrates two disciplines in the humanities, history and English, for first generation and underprepared students. The five-week residential bridge program provides a humanities focus for incoming freshman students at Vanguard University.

Summer Bridge Programs*

Humanities Bridge

STEM Bridge

*Programs not available 2024. We anticipate programs to resume in the future.

2015 TITLE V AWARD (#P031S150199)



Title V Resources

Title V Meeting Agendas

Title V Project Reports


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Title V Team

Sylvia Kane

Professor Emerita, Adjunct Faculty

Amanda Lebrecht

Vice President for Student Development

Bonni Stachowiak

Dean, Teaching and Learning

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