Borrowing & Circulation Policies
Select one of the following for more information:
- Course Reserves
- Interlibrary Loans (book and article requests)
- Circulation Policies
- Due Dates
- Fines
- Lost Books
- Recalls
- Suspension of Checkout Privileges
- Non-Circulating Materials
- Checkout Policies for Faculty
- Guests
Course Reserves

Course reserves can be found on the first floor of the library at the circulation desk. Search for items on the library catalog.
To search course reserves by professor or course click here.
Course reserves items are library use only and are checked out for two hour intervals. Pages can be scanned and saved to a USB or on your phone or tablet. There is no charge to use the scanner. Photocopiers are also available. Copies costs 10 cents per page. Due to copyright law, it is illegal to scan or copy the entire book. Only 10% of the book can be reproduced.
Here is a video tutorial on how to search course reserves: Finding Course Reserves
Information for Faculty
Placing books & articles on reserve
Information on placing resources on reserve is available on the Course Reserve LibGuide. There, you will find information on placing books on reserve as well as information on "Fair Use" and Open Access resources.
Interlibrary Loans (book and article requests)
Can’t find the article or books you need for your project? The library can borrow articles and books from other libraries. If you would like to request an interlibrary loan, fill out the Interlibrary Loan Request Form. You will need to gather the following information in order to place your request:
- Your contact information
- For books:
- Author(s)
- Title
- Publisher
- Year
- For journal articles:
- Author(s)
- Article title
- Journal title
- Journal volume and year
- Page range
Interlibrary loans can take three days for articles and two to three weeks for books. In some cases, there may be fees involved.
NOTE: Due to high demand, the library cannot request textbooks and reserve items via interlibrary loan. A library representative will contact you once your request is reviewed.
Circulation Policies
Due Dates
The normal checkout period is 21 days. Items placed on reserve by professors are generally library use only. You may renew books in person, by phone (714-966-6381), or online unless another patron has requested the materials you have checked out.
When you check out materials, you will receive a list of the items you are checking out, plus any you have previously checked out and still have. However, patrons with overdues or fines over $5.00 will not be able to check out any materials until their account has been settled.
Lost Books
Items that are considered long overdue will be considered lost. Vanguard students will be notified that their student account will be charged for the overdue fee and replacement costs (the full publisher's posted cost of the item to be replaced). Guest patrons will receive a bill.
The minimum cost to replace any long-overdue item is $25.00.
Please note, if any patron accidentally loses or damages an item, they are encouraged to immediately contact the library staff and let them know of the problem so that they can arrange replacement without incurring any additional late fees.
Suspension of Checkout Privileges
Non-Circulating Materials
Checkout Policies for Faculty
Contact person: Jack Morgan (714-966-6380 /
Faculty are able to check out most materials for the entire semester. While reference materials, special collections (like the Robeck Collection), and periodicals do not normally circulate, faculty may check out these items for a short period. At the end of each semester, faculty will receive a list of items they still have checked out. At that time books can be renewed or returned. Faculty will be billed for the replacement cost of lost items. If other family members are going to check out using your card, please contact Jack. Faculty emeriti and adjunct faculty have the same checkout privileges as full-time faculty. Please note that the librarians reserve the right to recall items that are checked out if other patrons need them.
The O. Cope Budge Library is a private academic library which primarily serves its community of students, faculty, and staff. Guests must check in at the circulation desk and are welcome to apply for a yearly library membership. To do so they must complete a registration form and pay $25. This annual membership includes check-out privileges and the use of databases in the library, but does not include interlibrary loan requests, the use of study rooms, or research help. A copy of a recent utility bill and a copy of a current driver’s license (or other legal document with a picture) is required for a guest membership. It takes a minimum of 24 hours to process a guest membership. As we primarily serve the Vanguard community, we cannot accept walk-in requests to use library computers, study areas, databases, printing services, or for librarian research help. The library staff reserves the right to accept or rescind guest privileges due to our community needs and standards. Researchers from other universities or organizations are encouraged to contact a librarian prior to visiting. Contact the library at 714-966-6381 for more information.