
Drawer Trigger

ADA Policy

In compliance with the American Library Association’s ADA policy, O. Cope Budge Library’s policy is to provide to all library patrons the best possible access to all library resources and services. Individuals with disabilities will not be denied access to resources. To ensure such access, library staff will make sincere efforts to accommodate reasonable requests. For Vanguard University students with extensive needs, the library will work closely with the Office of Disability and Learning Services in ensuring those needs are met. Patrons are welcomed and encouraged to contact the Library Director with any concerns about assisted services. The library seeks to provide excellent services to all patrons.


The library faculty and staff are committed to supporting the information needs of all students. For library patrons with disabilities, the library provides the following:


  • Parking: There are two reserved parking spots for individuals with disabilities. These spots are located in the lot closest to the library (campus map).
  • Building: The front entrance of the library is wheelchair accessible. All patrons have clear access to the reference room, computer lab, study carrel, and reading room.
  • Restrooms: Restrooms are located on the first floor of the library, immediately on the left as you enter the building.

Assistive Technology

  • Microsoft Windows package is installed on all library computers. The program comes with accessibility attributes, which can be found in the Microsoft Ease of Access Center. The program includes the following:
    • Magnifier – enlarges parts of the screen
    • Narrator – reads on screen text
    • On-Screen Keyboard – can type with the mouse
    • High Contrast – increases contrast to reduce eye strain
  • Dragon Naturally Speaking II, which is speech recognition software, is installed on Hex computer #8.


  • Computers, printers, photocopiers, and scanner: There are several wheelchair accessible computer stations in the library. There is one located in the computer lab and two located across from the circulation desk. These are labeled with the International Symbol of Access. Headphones can be checked out at the circulation desk. Step stools are located near the printers, scanner, and the “look up” computers at the circulation desk. Library staff are also available to assist in photocopying and/or scanning print material.
  • Database help: Several database vendors (EBSCO, ProQuest, etc…) have incorporated the JAWS screen reader on their databases.
  • Library material: Library staff are available to retrieve books and other print materials. If a student is unable to get to the library, library staff will make special accommodations, such as extended loan periods, book/material delivery, etc…
  • Research help: The reference desk is located on the first floor. Librarians can help with any research question. They have an open door policy and patrons are welcome to come by without an appointment. Students can also email librarians with their research questions.
  • Study areas: Wheelchair accessible study areas (study carrels and tables) are available throughout the library. Desks set at a higher level to accommodate wheelchairs are labeled with the International Symbol of Access. A wheelchair accessible group study table is located near the Curriculum and Children’s Literature Collection. The reference room can also be converted to a study room. Areas furthest from the circulation desk are quietest.
  • TV/DVD player: If a patron needs to watch a movie for his or her class, some of the computers have a disc drive. The library also has a mobile TV/DVD player.


Please call 714-966-6382.