Build a Strong Foundation with a Degree in Kinesiology and a Concentration in Pre-Health Professions
The BS in Kinesiology with a concentration in Pre-Health Professions will prepare you for continued study at the graduate level in a variety of health professional programs as physical therapy, occupational therapy, athletic training, physician assistant, chiropractic and medical professions.
Preparation for Advanced Study
The pre-health professions concentration is suited for students who plan to apply to health professional programs. Attention is given to providing you the ability to complete your pre-requisites within the four-year degree plan as an undergraduate, so you are ready to enter a licensing or graduate program.
Specialized Courses
Students in the Pre-health Professions concentration add to their strong foundation in anatomy, physiology, exercise physiology, biomechanics by adding additional biology, chemistry, physical assessment, and rehabilitative courses.
Academic Support
Students will work closely with advisors and professors. Students are advised to maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.00 (B) since entry into graduate programs in the health professions is highly competitive. The close relationship with advisors and professors provides students with needed academic support.