This is Alumna Nicole Suydam '95. This year, she graces the cover of OC Register's Women of Coast 2019 magazine. She is the President and CEO of Goodwill and Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County. Every month, the Women of Coast magazine spotlights influential women who collaborate in lifting their community up and are nominated by other acclaimed inspiring women.
In her role, Nicole creates opportunities to help serve those with chronic illness or physical disability. In 2018, she and her team provided an equivalent of 21.6 million meals to the community, which averages to 250,000 people each month.
In her interview with the OC Register, she shares her vision and dream," I want women to feel like they don't have to have a certain title or level of income or status to have influence as a leader. They should lean into whatever level or position they are now and make a difference there."
Vanguard University congratulates Nicole in her magazine acknowledgment and overall contribution in serving the greater community.