2019 Baccalaureate Recap

What is Baccalaureate? It is a celebration that honors the graduating senior class from a high school or college. It is for all graduating students regardless of program and serves as the first Commencement event the evening before graduation. Vanguard proudly keeps this tradition alive. For Vanguard, it is a meaningful event that embraces our student's last fleeting moments before they begin to carve out more of their individuality. The service last Thursday was so memorable as we witnessed our seniors dressed in their graduating regalia ready to move onto the next step.

Vanguard University's community gathered at St. Andrews Church in Newport Beach the night before graduation. Faculty and students congregated for one last night of prayer and worship before the big day. As a community, Vanguard humbly lifted up the future ambitions and journey of the students to the Lord. As a family, graduating seniors and faculty took communion together as they heard Professor Bill Dogterom speak on the importance of journeying forward in the Lord's plans. The service was filled with parents embracing their loved ones as they prayed for their future after college. The 2019 senior class had decided their graduating Bible verse to be Phillippians 4: 6 - 7. Fittingly, it's a verse that encourages believers to remain in prayer and petition in life. 

Baccalaureate ended in song, as parents stood by to take pictures of their kids once more. It was a tender and honest moment to see the graduating class and their favorite professors stand together in the church's courtyard. Vanguard University cherishes our Seniors and prays for their journey as they continue to grow in their upcoming endeavors. 
