Social Media Community Guidelines

Vanguard University manages several social media channels and strives to create informative, engaging, supportive communities where we can share information and have conversations.

If you post to one of our social media channels, or otherwise respond or comment on one of our posts, you are agreeing to abide by these Community Guidelines. Please bear in mind that the comments and responses that you read on our channels that are not posted by us come from members of the public. The content of these comments (including opinions and statements) posted on our channels do not necessarily reflect the views of the social media site or its owner and are the responsibility of the individuals posting them.
We strive to create a positive, inspiring, supportive, fun community on our social media channels, so we ask that all users heed the following Community Guidelines:

1. Stay on Topic and Be Respectful

First and foremost, we ask that everyone show respect for other members of our social media communities.

We encourage and welcome your comments and feedback, provided that you share your viewpoint in a way that is respectful to us and our community, and is not inappropriate, off-topic, abusive, harassing, profane, or promoting/soliciting third-party sites, initiatives or products.

This is not the right forum to send feedback about our products or companies, solicit business, or request donations. Please use the Contact Us portion of our website for those topics.

We reserve the right to reject or remove comments that are not in keeping with our policy and to block or ban users/followers who violate this policy.
2. Comment Moderation and Response

We will do our best to moderate and respond quickly to your comments and feedback. Generally, we check in several times a day during business hours and once on non-business days. Please remember, though, that this forum contains the opinions and views of other users. Although we are moderating our channels to help ensure that users’ posts comply with these Guidelines, we cannot be responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any comments or materials posted by users.

3. We May Use Your Posts

By posting on one or more of our social media channels, you understand that your posts, and any ideas or techniques contained in them, may be freely used by us in any way and in any media, including on this forum, on our other websites and social media pages, and in our business. Accordingly, please do not submit any ideas or materials that you wish to keep confidential or for which you expect to receive compensation. In addition, when you post in any of our social media channels, your name, likeness and social media handle will be visible and associated with your post and if we re-use your post elsewhere, we may display your name, likeness and handle there as well.